November 18, 2024
Choir December Events
Hello FHS Choir Families, There are many choir events coming up in December; it’s one of our busiest months! Please put these events in your calendar NOW to make sure you can avoid conflicts. Some of these events are optional; the Bold events are mandatory.
Please check which events apply to you. CS = Chamber Singers, WC = Women’s Chorus.
Visit to view these events anytime!
#OneHill Holiday Party and Caroling | Optional, All Choirs and Family Members
Monday, December 2
5:15pm- Holiday part with Hot Chocolate and Donuts
7-7:30pm- Caroling at Ethel M Chocolate Factory
Special White Christmas Rehearsal | Mandatory, All Choirs
Friday, December 6
3rd and 4th Periods
Mandatory for all Choir Students; you will be excused from class
Mandatory After School Rehearsal | CS, WC
Monday, December 9, 1:30-2:30pm
Mandatory Orchestra Concert Performance | CS, WC
December 9
Call time for performers is 6:15 pm
We will perform “White Christmas” only, at ~6:45pm and will be done by ~7pm
Mandatory Winter Concert | All Choirs
Wednesday, December 11
Call Time for performers is 5:00 PM
Concert begins at 6:30 pm; Concert ends at ~7:30 pm
Caroling on Campus | CS, WC
Friday, December 13, 3rd and 4th periods
A Reminder about Commitments
Your friends and fellow singers are counting on you for this performance! Each member of the group matters to the overall sound. We cannot have a successful performance without you.
If you have a truly UNAVOIDABLE conflict, you must fill out the Unavoidable Conflicts Form AT LEAST 5 SCHOOL DAYS IN ADVANCE and request to be excused. Waiting until the last minute to submit the form is not acceptable. The form is not a guarantee that you will be excused.
Concerts and after school rehearsals are mandatory events and are graded as Summative Assessments. If you miss one, you will need to arrange a time to sing your part for me as a solo so that I can assess your mastery of the music.
If you are ill or test positive for Covid, please fill out the unavoidable Conflicts form AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Being sick is not an acceptable reason to no-call/no-show. You must still notify me if you are unable to attend due to illness, even if it is the day of the performance. It is NOT acceptable to no call/no show for any reason (except extremely serious emergencies).
Mrs. Noorda