Foothill High School
Choir Program
Sarah Earl Noorda, Director
702.799.3500 ext. 4050
My Music Office

I have gotten feedback from many parents that the previous system for communicating with families, Charms, was not exactly well-liked. I hear you, and I value your feedback! So I am going to try out a new system this year: mymusicoffice.com. It is similar to Charms, but hopefully a little more user friendly. Each student— and his or her parents— will be able to access info about their choir finances, events calendar, etc, through their own personal MyMusicOffice Family Account.
If you have not yet logged into My Music Office this year, CLICK HERE to look up your Username (which is assigned by the system) which you will need to use to login. The first time you log in, your password is fhsfalcons. You will be asked to change this to your own, secure password after you log in for the first time.